Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The human kite...almost!

For the past 2 weeks my husband Matthew and I have started to run together to be more healthy. 
We have a park right next to our neighborhood that has a lot of trails and sports fields
which makes it a great place to jog every other day.

Today was one of our running days and so we started making our way to the park, (we walk there for our warm-up) and almost got knocked off our feet by a storm that is blowing through Florida!
I have run in the rain before plenty of times, but I thought the wind was going to blow the contact lenses straight out of my eyes!

Haha, anyway it was crazy but a lot of fun...I can only imagine what it is going to be like when we experience our first hurricane.

Hope you are having a great day!


Monday, April 28, 2014

Owl Expressions - An Original Watercolor Painting

Hi there!

Woohoo! I managed to get another watercolor finished the other day.
This one is a combination of watercolors and gouache on cold press watercolor paper.
I was inspired to make this owl painting for one because they are so darn cute, and 
also because owlets have so many different funny expressions. Anyway I hope you enjoy it!
             - Olivia

If you like this funny painting, it is for sale on my Etsy shop here

Sunday, April 27, 2014

New Watercolor and Gouache Painting

 A new watercolor painting of a red breasted grosbeak.

I got to see one of these beauties frequenting my bird feader in the backyard over the past few weeks.
We live in Florida, and I am discovering that a lot of really interesting birds migrate through here! 
This little painting is made using both the normal watercolor paints as well as gouache (opaque watercolors).
I really like using a combination of both, and think that is adds a more illustrative feel to the piece.

I hope you enjoy it!

Prints as well as the original will be for sale soon on my Etsy shop.

Hope you have a great day!
- Olivia

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Today I have been working on scanning in some of my etchings, lithographs, and woodblock prints from college...
For the longest time our scanner has eluded me, but after spending some time tinkering around with the settings I finally got the hang of it!
I am pretty excited about it, since it tends to give a more detailed image than photographing art.

Here are few of my prints, I hope you enjoy them!
Titles and descriptions of each print is underneath each image.


"Floating", color Etching with Drypoint and Mezzotint

Untitled Landscape, Drypoint Etching

 "Winter Night", Mezzotint

 "Sometimes reason produces monsters", Drypoint Etching with Mezzotint

"The Regular", Etching

"The Bearded Mane", Lithograph

"Kiwi Bird", Woodblock